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The feature allows to present a number of choices to the user and re-route script execution depending on the choice the user makes.


Use @choice commands followed by the choice summary and (optional) goto path to add choices from the naninovel scripts:

; Print the text, then immediately show choices and stop script execution.
Continue executing this script or load another?[< skip!]
@choice "Continue from the next line"
@choice "Continue from the specified label" goto:.Labelname
@choice "Load another from start" goto:AnotherScript
@choice "Load another from label" goto:AnotherScript.LabelName

Value of the goto parameter is the path to re-route (jump) into when users selects the corresponding choice. It's specified in the following format: ScriptPath.LabelName. When label name is omitted, provided script will be played from the start; when script path is omitted, a label in the currently played script will be referenced:

; Starts playing naninovel `Script001` script from the start.

; Save as above, but start playing from the label `AfterStorm`.

; Jumps the playback to the label `Epilogue` in the currently played script.


Find more about labels in the scripts guide.

When goto parameter is not specified, current script will continue executing from the next line.

Choice handler actors are used to process the @choice commands. You can add, edit and remove choice handlers using the choice manager accessible via Naninovel -> Resources -> Choice Handlers context menu.

Choice handlers behavior can be configured using Naninovel -> Configuration -> Choice Handlers context menu; for available options see configuration guide.

Check the following video tutorial for an overview of the choice handlers.


Nested Callback

When the consequence of picking a choice is small (eg, you may just want to print a couple of sentences), it's impractical to designate a label and use goto or gosub parameters. Instead, nest commands to execute when the choice is picked:

@choice "Ask about color"
    Kohaku: What's your favorite color?
    Yuko: Magenta.
@choice "Ask about age"
    Kohaku: How old are you?
    @shake Yuko
    Yuko: Why?
@choice "Keep silent"
    Kohaku: ...
    Awkward silence fell.

Any level of nesting is supported:

@choice "Ask about age"
    Kohaku: How old are you?
    @shake Yuko
    Yuko: Why?
    @choice "Insist"
        Kohaku: Just asking. Is that a secret?
        Yuko.Angry: It is!
    @choice "Give up"
        Kohaku: Never mind, forget about that.
        @char Yuko.Relieved
@choice "Keep silent"


Nested choice callback is not compatible with goto, gosub, set and play parameters. Instead of specifying them as parameters, use the appropriate commands inside the nested block: @goto instead of goto parameter, @set instead of set parameter and so on.

Choice Button

The @choice command accepts an optional button parameter specifying a path (relative to a "Resources" folder) to custom prefab representing the choice option object.

@choice handler:ButtonArea button:MapButtons/Home pos:-300,-300 goto:.HomeScene

— here we use a choice handler supporting positioning to represent a point of interest on an improvised map, where the button parameter is pointing to a prefab consisting of a button wrapped over an image. The prefab is stored at Assets/Resources/MapButtons/Home.prefab.

To create a choice button prefab from template, use Create -> Naninovel -> Choice Button asset context menu.


If you don't want to store the choice button prefabs in Resources folder or need to localize them, set a custom loader in choice handler configuration menu and use any of the available resource providers.


When button parameter of the @choice command is not specified, default button prefab is used.

To change choice button used by default, create a custom choice handler and assign the prefab to Default Button Prefab property of Choice Handler Panel component or use a custom component.


To use a different text component for the choice text, use On Summary Text Changed Unity event ↗ of the choice button component.


Locked Choice

A common use case with choices is to make one locked/disabled or otherwise not available for player to pick based on a condition. For example, you may wish to restrict player access to a particular story branch in case a condition was not met prior to the choice.

While it's possible to implement this with a choice button parameter outlined above, the use case is pretty common, so Naninovel has a dedicated way to make this work with lock parameter of @choice command:

; Make choice disabled/locked when 'score' variable is below 10.
@choice "Secret option" lock:{score<10}

Built-in choice button has On Lock event invoked each time choice is added, which will set the underlying button's Interactible property, making it interactable when the choice is not locked and vice-versa. You can override or extend the behaviour by attaching a custom handler to On Lock event or by overriding HandleLockChanged method of the choice button class.


ButtonList Choice Handler

Button list handler is used by default. It stores the choice buttons inside a horizontal layout panel and ignores the pos parameter of the @choice command.

ButtonArea Choice Handler

In contrast to button list, button area doesn't enforce any specific layout and allows manually setting positions of the added choice buttons via pos parameter. For example, here is one way to make an interactive map with choice commands and button area handler:

# Map
@back Map
@choice handler:ButtonArea button:MapButtons/Home pos:-300,-300 goto:.HomeScene
@choice handler:ButtonArea button:MapButtons/Shop pos:300,200 goto:.ShopScene

# HomeScene
@back Home
Home, sweet home!
@goto .Map

# ShopScene
@back Shop
Don't forget about cucumbers!
@goto .Map


Find a more advanced implementation of interactive map with Naninovel in the map sample.


ChatReply Choice Handler

Used by chat text printer to represent reply choices. Example:

@printer Chat
Kohaku: Where're you right now?
@choice "Play dumb" handler:ChatReply
    Yuko: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@choice "Answer" handler:ChatReply
    Yuko: school. preping for the festival

Adding Custom Choice Handlers

You can add custom choice handlers based on the built-in templates or create new handlers from scratch. For example, let's customize the built-in ButtonArea template.

Use Create -> Naninovel -> Choice Handler -> ButtonArea asset context menu to create a button area handler prefab somewhere outside the Naninovel package, e.g. at the Assets/ChoiceHandlers folder.

Edit the handler: change font, textures, add animations, etc. For more information on the available UI building tools, check the Unity documentation ↗.

Expose the handler to engine resources using choice handler manager GUI, which can be accessed with Naninovel -> Resources -> Choice Handlers editor context menu. Add a new record using + (plus) button, enter actor ID (can differ from the prefab name) and double click the record to open actor settings. Drag-drop handler prefab to the Resource field.


You can now use the new choice handler by specifying its ID in handler parameter of the @choice commands.

@choice "Choice summary text." handler:MyNewHandler


Find an example on creating a custom choice handler with a particle system in the UI sample.

It's also possible to create a choice handler from scratch by manually implementing IChoiceHandlerActor interface. See the guide on custom actor implementations for more information.