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Fountain ↗ is a markup syntax for writing, editing and sharing screenplays in plain, human-readable text. It's supported by the screenwriting software, such as Highland ↗, Final Draft ↗ and Scrivener ↗.


Naninovel provides a tool to convert .fountain documents to .nani scripts, so that you can work on the initial scenario for your project in a Fountain-compatible software and then move to Naninovel.

Open the tool via Naninovel -> Tools -> Fountain Screenplay editor menu, select source .fountain document, output folder to store the generated .nani files and click "Convert Screenplay".


Fountain's Action ↗ and Dialogue ↗ paragraphs will be converted to generic text lines; other syntax constructs will be represented as comment lines.


If you'd like to split the screenplay into multiple .nani scripts, use Fountain's Section ↗ markup. For example, consider the following screenplay:

# Episode 1
## Scene 1
## Scene 2
# Episode 2
## Scene 1

It'll be converted in the following naninovel scripts, organized with folders:

  • Episode 1/Scene 1.nani
  • Episode 1/Scene 2.nani
  • Episode 2/Scene 1.nani